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Get EIP-1559 gas prices

Returns the estimated EIP-1559 gas fees for the specified blockchain network.




  • chainId: string - ID of the chain to query.


Recommended gas price details based of the level of urgency:

  • low, medium, high - Object containing recommended values for transactions by level of urgency:
    • suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas: string - The maximum suggested priority fee per gas to pay to have transactions included in a block.
    • suggestedMaxFeePerGas: string - The maximum suggested total fee per gas to pay, including both the base fee and the priority fee.
    • minWaitTimeEstimate: number - The minimum estimated wait time (in milliseconds) for a transaction to be included in a block at the suggested gas price.
    • maxWaitTimeEstimate: number - The maximum estimated wait time (in milliseconds) for a transaction to be included in a block at the suggested gas price.
  • estimatedBaseFee: string - The current estimated base fee per gas on the network.
  • networkCongestion: number - The current congestion on the network, represented as a number between 0 and 1. A lower network congestion score (for example 0.1), indicates that fewer transactions are being submitted, so it's cheaper to validate transactions.
  • latestPriorityFeeRange: array - The range of priority fees per gas for recent transactions on the network.
  • historicalPriorityFeeRange: array - The range of priority fees per gas for transactions on the network over a historical period.
  • historicalBaseFeeRange: array - The range of base fees per gas on the network over a historical period.
  • priorityFeeTrend: string - The current trend in priority fees on the network, either up or down (whether it's getting more expensive or cheaper).
  • baseFeeTrend: string - The current trend in base fees on the network, either up or down (whether it's getting more expensive or cheaper).



Include your API key and API key secret to authorize your account to use the APIs.

curl -X "GET"                     \


"low": {
"suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas": "0.05",
"suggestedMaxFeePerGas": "16.334026964",
"minWaitTimeEstimate": 15000,
"maxWaitTimeEstimate": 30000
"medium": {
"suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas": "0.1",
"suggestedMaxFeePerGas": "22.083436402",
"minWaitTimeEstimate": 15000,
"maxWaitTimeEstimate": 45000
"suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas": "0.3",
"suggestedMaxFeePerGas": "27.982845839",
"minWaitTimeEstimate": 15000,
"maxWaitTimeEstimate": 60000
"estimatedBaseFee": "16.284026964",
"networkCongestion" :0.5125,
"latestPriorityFeeRange": ["0", "3"],
"historicalPriorityFeeRange": ["0.000000001", "89"],
"historicalBaseFeeRange": ["13.773088584", "29.912845463"],
"priorityFeeTrend": "down",
"baseFeeTrend": "up"